As the wait goes on, and Nabajja’s money being a rumour, we kick-started this week giving away SOME ka-money to well versed 2gule Bravuras
This happened on Monday, 12th July on Twitter space. The session was informative, educative and fun. Listeners were asked simple questions About2gule and the first to quote-tweet the correct answer won Some ka-money.
The intention was not only to publicize 2gule but also to throw light on online shopping at large. Questions were answered from where 2gule offices are located to trending No.1 on Twitter

We would like to express our gratitude for your willingness to take part in our Twitter space as a listener. Your contribution took a significant part.
We believe that the knowledge we shared will help and develop the online shopping sector (for both people in the business and also those that shop online from the USA).
As we want to forward this great knowledge to our participants who couldn’t attend the space, we would like to share some material along with the winner biographies.

We look forward to your participation in our next campaigns.
Thank you everyone for your active participation and for bringing questions around the table and engaging in such fruitful, constructive and open exchanges throughout #About2gule.
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